SR Series Blowers
SR Series Blowers
Swam, offers its advance technology next generation SR Series Blowers, equipped with latest features, enabling it more reliable, energy efficient and lower maintenance.
Blowers are ruggedly built with appropriate rotor shaft design,
aiming at low deflection & critical consideration. The rotors are supported on heavy duty antifriction oil lubricated bearings. The rotor profile of Axcel Series are computer generated enabling better uniform clearances and higher volumetric efficiency.
The blowers have very high accuracies & manufactured on CNC machines. The blowers are available for flows upto 80000 m3/hr. and pressure upto 0.6 kg/cm in single stage. Swam SR Series Blowers are available in Twin-Lobe & Tri-Lobe designs.
The working principle of Twin-lobe type. The rotors, move
opposite to each other, maintaining fine clearances, in
perfect synchronization through a set of precision timing gears.
As the rotation proceeds, the trapped gas moves along until it reaches the discharge port raising its pressure against the system resistance. The precise clearances within the blower makes possible the rise in pressure with least internal slip loss. The delivery is non-pulsating smooth and with lower sound emission.
Some Salient Features
- Ruggedly built for working under tough conditions, high load transmission & higher operating speeds.
- Computer generated Axcel Series lobe-profile optimizes high volumetric efficiency.
- Side suction or side discharge arrangement available on select models.
- Provided with inbuilt pulsation Dampeners.
- Heavy Duty Shaft.
- Special Lip Seal Sealing System.